Ownership of the house

Ownership of the houseOwnership of the house
  1. The matter in dispute is the ownership of the house .


  2. The matter in dispute over trifles is the ownership of the house .


  3. He claimed ownership of the house .


  4. The ownership of the house is still unknown .


  5. He transferred the ownership of the house to his wife .


  6. He gave the bank as a guarantee the papers which proved his ownership of the house .


  7. The forward house purchaser can not obtain the ownership of the house but the creditor 's right .


  8. As public power generated when exercising the behavior of house removal and people enjoy the benefit conflicts between the ownership of the house has also become apparent and escalate .


  9. In the transfer or mortgage of real estate , the ownership of the house and the land-use right to the house site shall be transferred or mortgaged therewith .


  10. The ownership of the house during the procedure of divorce case is the logical starting point for us to analyze , thus the ownership of the house should be ascertained first than other issues .


  11. The right to use the existing system of rural house foundation not only lead to excessive expansion of the rural house foundation extension , land a low utilization rate , but the problem derived from the house foundation ownership of the house foundation transaction security issues are prominent .


  12. The main types of housing disputes included : dispute of the ownership of the house , dispute of the building transaction , housing mortgage disputes , etc. State policies , laws and folk customs in the house combined and influenced each other in the processing of settlement of disputes .


  13. The ownership of the public house after its reform will be effective once it is agreed and registered .


  14. The notarized evidence of house renting or ownership certificate of the house leased or owned by the applicant or the patron .


  15. In the food regulators ownership of houses , 62.0 % are the unit , 12.4 % are temporary loan , 19.8 % are rented , 5.8 % are other properties of the ownership of the house .
